Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2020


Welcome to Mindblog!

Dear visitor,
On this small, ambitious Blog of grim life and popculture you'll mainly find articles, thoughts, posts and treatments regarding the following themes: 
  • Shower thoughts about our daily struggle and the sad purpose of life
  • Popcultural stuff in all of its forms,shapes and bodies, be it Japan/Anime/Manga/..., Gaming, Movies, Shows or Books... everything finds its place in the big, blue afro. 
  • Fictional (Short-)stories, Fanfictions, Parodies and novels
  • Western Cartooncultures like Friendshipis Magic or RWBY
  • Conventionreports,for example J-conventions like the Leipziger Bookfair or the Animagic. 
  •  Nerd & Nichecultures like Visual Novels, Nostalgiashows, RPG-Maker-Developement, Pen & Paper, Bronycommunity or Testsarticles, to name only a few. 
  • Countless classical and less classical Reviews toall possible media
  • A huge, black mass of madness

If you stumbled in here by coincidence or advertising, or if you just want to take a look around, please usethe categories, the more specific themes and the recommended articles. There is an own category for ALL english articles. If you want to contact me or give me feedback of any kind, pleasefollow the option up there to do so. The Youtube-channel to this website is here.

I wish you fun, smiles and many deep insides to life 
- Parttime-person and Patchwork-brain Yoraiko.

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